Monday, October 13, 2008

The Classic Dames Test

I'm not quite sure what to make of this...perhaps because I promised myself that this would be just a 5 minutes break from The Bane Of My Existence. I promise a "real" post later this week.

Your result for The Classic Dames Test...

Myrna Loy

You scored 26% grit, 43% wit, 10% flair, and 38% class!

You are loaded with a quirky kind of class that people find irresistable. Men turn and look at you admiringly as you walk down the street, and even your rivals have a grudging respect for you. You usually know the right thing to say, do and, of course, wear. You can take charge of a situation when things get out of hand, and you do it with great poise and chic. Your wit and sense of fun endear you to your partner and every other man in the room. Your screen partners include William Powell and Cary Grant. You're quite a catch...if you want to be caught.

Find out what kind of classic leading man you'd make by taking the
Classic Leading Man Test.

Take The Classic Dames Test at HelloQuizzy