Friday, February 16, 2007

Telling it like it is?

Over the last few days, I've met several starry-eyed 20- and 30-somethings who want to tread down The Ph.D. road. Apparently, without any knowledge of why it happened, I seem to have become the poster-gal (okay at least one of them) amidst South Asian folk.

Earlier today, I was asked for the umpteenth time why I opted for a Ph.D. (I don't get why asking me about my experience PhDing might be helpful to anyone. An undergrad sure. Perhaps even a Masters degree. But doctoral work is a completely different animal....that's a long post that I plan to write one of these days.) And before you judge me, nopes I wasn't in a bad mood. Just trying to find the right answer somewhere between hilarious and brutally honest.

And my answer was - drum roll please: "I honestly can't put my finger on precisely why I did it but it's been pretty entertaining most of the time! And even when it's a bitch, give it some time and it'll be a funny story you tell the grandkids!"


essdee said...

The road to discovery perhaps? Part of the answer may hinge upon the subject of your doctoral undertakings... care to elaborate?

Bionic-Woman said...

elaboration forthcoming saad d as soon as i get my act together after being away for a week at a conference...thanks for asking and calling me on my facetiousness!

essdee said...

i'll wait, altho Jaime Sommers was much faster.

Bionic-Woman said...

LOL Saad. But to be fair, JS wasn't getting a Ph.D/writing her dissertation and she did have a script-writer on staff :-).