Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Or, rather, "Hair on Wednesday, Gone Thursday". I've been craving a major change and was getting bored of my look. Hence the drastic measures i.e. chopping off 9 inches of my hair.

Although I like the (relative) anonymity this blog affords me I figured a little pictorial evidence might be nice. So here are two pictures that retain the anonymity but show the change in my crowning glory as it were. The first one is of the haircut I had last winter which grew till the longest layer was down to my elbows and the shortest was about shoulder length. The second is the new 'do.

How do I feel? Like a-whole-new-bionic :-). I feel fabulous. I feel spring-like. I feel like a whole new woman.

If any of you need to mix it up, I highly recommend tending to your follicles and going for a not-so-subtle-change.


jenji said...

I'm about to do the same thing; spring hair maintenance can sometimes make everything right with the world--for a moment anyway.

You got a nice cut, looks great.

be well,

Julie said...

You have beautiful hair! Do you feel so much lighter now? :)

Bionic-Woman said...

Thanks for the compliments Julie and Jenji :-).

Jenji: I couldn't agree more. A haircut sometimes has magical powers even if relatively short-term. Especially if one is dissertating, it gives a sense of momentum. Perhaps it has something to do with instant gratification?

Julie: much lighter :-). At the risk of making a bad pun, I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders :-). I think you're probably feeling like that too although your change is much more profound...mine's the equivalent of the band-aid critique of development projects. Yours is real progress. I hope the celebrations are continuing.