Wednesday, May 28, 2008


This post is to let our readers at LTLWI know that Asad's mother passed away in Karachi last night (Inna-Lilah-e-Wa-Inna-Ileh-e-Rajeoon). Please say a prayer for her as well as Asad and his family.

It's been a horrible few days on my end as losing loved ones is concerned. My aunt's (father's brother's sister) mother died of cancer, a colleague I know through the conference circuit lost his father, another dear friend lost an aunt, and one of my dearest, closest friends lost his mother very unexpectedly which made it even worse. You're all in my thoughts. I hope once you get through this difficult time that fond memories bring a smile to your face and warmth in your hearts.

In all of these instances, the people I know were either in North America or Europe while the person who passed away was in Pakistan. I've been through that too - in fact all of my loved ones who have passed away has happened while I was traveling or living in the US while they were in Pakistan. That sucks. In fact, it makes me think globalization sucks! I could do with some good news real soon. In fact, I guess some baby news would be nice - that'll make it feel more circle-of-life-ish rather than black-hole-ish which is what it feels like right now.

For all of those people I mentioned above, I hope and pray that you and your family/loved ones have the strength and patience to bear your losses. Please take care of yourselves.

Additionally, I'll be praying for the safety, long life, good health, and happiness of all our loved ones (Inshallah/God Willing).


Julie said...

I am so sorry! I will be keeping both of you and your families in my thoughts.

Bionic-Woman said...

Thanks muchly Julie...I appreciate your thoughtfulness.