Wednesday, August 02, 2006

More about 'it'....

So what is this 'it' of which Asad and I will be speaking in our blog posts? 'It' could be anything from the zany to the brainy, the ordinary to the extraordinary, the insipid to the profound. In other words, anything and everything that affects our being, our lives .... from chocolate cravings (in case you're curious I vote for Anthon Berg ones - my major guilty pleasure) to significant relationships to negotiating our identities as belonging to at least two distinct geographical/territorial spaces to ramblings about our favorite "Mad About You" episodes.

Why blog about it publicly rather than engaging in hour-long phone conversations between us two?

1. Life's gotten crazy. That's complicated by the fact that Asad can be found in a corner of the world that lies in the GMT zone whereas I conduct the business of my daily living on EST (Eastern Standard Time, in case you don't recognize it). Blogging about things we can't always pick up the phone to chat about with each other - and others in our lives - is a kind of substitute if you will.

2. This one is probably numero uno. Since the last century, we've both been threatening to work on a collaborative project of some kind....usually a coffee table book or a documentary are the two forms of expression that tend to capture our fancy. That hasn't happened yet but this perhaps might be one way of getting there or where we get to instead of going there. Time will tell.

3. Asad, in his post-MBA avatar, felt the need for some kind of mental/intellectual stimulation that can only be had by writing. I, Bionic-Woman*, felt the need to write about something else other than my Ph.D. dissertation. Posts about the sleaze-ball at the bar or the heavenly cookie might not seem all that profound but we believe that even those get us someplace; if nothing else, we've engaged in writing about an experience of some kind.

So, in that spirit, welcome to our home on the blogosphere, in Blogistan if you prefer that term.

Let the blogging begin!

[*Yes I'm sticking with holding on to some measure of anonymity if you don't already know me in "real life" - IRL as the kids call it.]

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