Thursday, March 29, 2007

Just 5 you say?

FYI: Below a modified version of a post that was over on another blog that I'm migrating to LTLWI - I'll be deleting that blog shortly since I no longer post there but wanted to retain some of the posts. Here's the first of those.

Tagged by Jen so here are "five idiosyncracies that I have and am willing to own up to". Of course, like all fellow-neurotics the list is probably longer but these were the first 5 I could think of that *really* matter to yours truly and that I don't mind putting out there. So here goes:

1. Heinous, putrid body odors. When I was younger I could camouflage it but for the last few years, let's say since I turned 25ish, my responses range from a gesture that looks unmistakably like I need to throw up to feeling compelled to take a shower the instant I come back home because I'm convinced I can still smell the smell and that if I don't shower it's going to take control of every cell of my being...okay or something less drastic although the Seinfeld episode on B.O. does resonate with me.

2. It doesn't matter if the dinnerware, glassware, or cutlery that was taken out for a meal is unused and, thus, clean. I simply have to put it in the dishwasher.

4. I won't sit on my bed during the day. And if someone else does, it's next to impossible for me to resist the urge to pull my sheets taut. I just hate a bed that looks unkempt. I also deal badly with clutter in general.

5. I've been known to organize my closet to the point where clothes are color coded and the hangers simply h-a-v-e to face in the same direction. So all the white shirts/blouses/twinsets/sweaters go together organized by length of sleeve. Then I transition into eggshell and beige-y variants and it keeps going till I go through all the way into the pinks, reds, etc. etc until I hit black. Trying to break free of that one - it's just too time-consuming.

Who am I to break with tradition? Carrying on with the tag and sticking with '5' just like in this meme I posted: Asad, Imran, PTJ, Elizabeth, Zainab.

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