Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tuesday morning quiz-blogging

You Are Apple Green

You are almost super-humanly upbeat. You have a very positive energy that surrounds you.
And while you are happy go lucky, you're also charmingly assertive.
You get what you want, even if you have to persuade those against you to see things your way.
Reflective and thoughtful, you know yourself well - and you know that you want out of life.

I do like them apples so this worked out just fine!


essdee said...

Anyone have a valid contact for the Phoenix? Email/Shype/MSN preferred as opposed to a GPS lat/lon halfway across the world and then atop some godforsaken peak. Need to know if post-fire existence is dotted with strange coincidences, things falling into places, lines joining and circles coming full? Q4/2006 was my trial by fire, and though some embers still smoulder, the rebirth is a tentative success. Unexpected however is the way 2007 seems to be populated by a series of pings from beyond; cryptic nudges and pop-ups whenever crossroads dot life's journey. And it's only March yet.

Take this quiz for example. Of all the shades of green available, my responses yielded Teal. The exact same shade I am considering branding my new company with. What are the odds? Freaky.

Here's the rest of the output which restores the balance between AI and coincidental mush:

You are a one of a kind, original person. There's no one even close to being like you. (Yeah. Sure.)
Expressive and creative, you have a knack for making the impossible possible. (Didn’t work last time.)
While you are a bit offbeat, you don't scare people away with your quirks. (What quirks?!)
Your warm personality nicely counteracts and strange habits you may have. (What am I, the hunchback of Notre Dame?!)

Volkswagen has a rather cool online tarot game as part of its mini-site for the new Eos. Amazing how they can seemingly personalise inherently generic statements. But kudos to its creators nonetheless.

Bionic-Woman said...

Kudos on the successful rebirth, however tentative it may seem.

Coincidence of coincidences. 2006, especially Q4, was persistent in kicking my derriere strong and hard. 2007, so far, seems like a lot of cryptic going-ons with potential or me narrating those instances with a lot more optimism because...well because I just prefer to do it that way than wallow. Maybe we can start a club - might not have new companies in the pipeline but a number of interesting writing and multi-media projects.

The question is why then do generic online quizzes like this or the palmist with the toata (parrot for the non-Urdu speakers amongst us) retain some kind of relevance in our lives? If we can inject enthusiasm and the will to embark on yet another adventure into our lives all on our own - and gentle nudging by loved ones - even when there's no need to have a parade or when morose contemplations of life having virtually ended take over because things have taken a 180 degrees turn why do we turn to these venues to distract ourselves? Or rather why do they speak to us? Perhaps they're resources we deploy in a narrative that we're already weaving - a sign to confirm that which we already believe in. Or bases on which to deploy a narrative in the first place. Don't know...maybe both depending on how one reacts to the situation one is in. [Hmm what's with all the generic ones back there?!] Hmm I got a little too involved but seriously why is it that these things speak to us when we don't really need them? Sure online quizzes are just amusement but haven't we all at some point gotten way too excited about quizzes that measure our emotional IQ, how soon you're going to get dumped by your significant other, etc etc?

Inspired by your parenthetical balancing act, here's my attempt below. The numbers correspond to each original statement in the post:

1. Umm okay? Does this make me less a green apple, more bubble tea?
2. In other words, I'm stubborn.
3. Stubborn again.
4. Darn! Lost that map again.

PS: I loved the "lines joining and circles coming full phrase".