Friday, April 20, 2007

The Juggling Continues

I'd meant to post something other than a list. In fact, I have two ideas brewing that I want to blog about. But I can't seem to be able to find the time to pause long enough to do so. On the other hand, I was itching to blog primarily because of all of these ideas. So the substitute is a list of what has been happening since I last made my way over to LTLWI:

April 18:
a) Daily house cleaning and other chores.
b) Dissertating from 11 am - 3 pm with intermittent breaks.
c) Surprise party logistics 3 pm - 6 pm.
d) College friend in-transit from out of town. Dinner and chit-chat followed by a trip to the airport and back.
e) Too wired at midnight; dissertated for a while.

April 19:
a) Big day - surprise bash for parents' anniversary :-). Went well but most of the day went in cleaning, setting up, organizing stuff, baking the cake [a cross between a plain chocolate ganache and a sacher torte - if anyone was curious], and making truffles [just felt like it although it was pretty time-consuming].
b) Party in the evening...went well I think...not too many people, not too little, just right...yay Goldilocks moment!
c) Caught up on dissertation reading at night.
d) Remapped dissertation.

April 20 thus far:
a) Daily house cleaning.
b) Dissertated 10:15 am - 12:39 pm.
c) Quick lunch break.
d) Working on remapping of dissertation. Hmm I wish it'd stop behaving like a moving target because I'd really like to be done!
e) Get it all done before heading out to a workshop and then dinner.

The rest of the day, like the rest of the week-end, is going to be equally nutsy but what I'm looking most forward to is a lunch at our place on Sunday which is going to be a very mini school-reunion. One of my dearest childhood friends, A, is visiting from out of state along with his very sweet wife, H, and too-cute-for-words daughter, I. If I'm not mistaken, A was my first "male friend" after I left Montessori; we've been friends now for about 19 years now. I'm meeting A after about 7 years or so and I've never met his wife and daughter. Joining the fun - another dear and close friend from school who I haven't seen in a few weeks.

Okay back to work before one of those balls falls down. After all, I have to get this chapter written in the next 2 weeks and it won't happen unless I open that file and start typing.

Have a great week-end all!

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