Monday, June 11, 2007

The (New) Plan of Action

Yes I've been crying wolf on finishing The Dissertation for so long now that even I wouldn't tend to an SOS from myself. Part of it is me obsessing for perfection but mostly it's been a combination of unrealistic expectations that I have held myself to and a fear of turning in anything less than perfect.

But 'tis the Summer Of Change. Not only that but I can actually see The Finish Line.

So here's the plan. Well some of it anyway....writing too much might divulge my identity and I need the (semi?)anonymity this space affords least for now.

I'm going to write every day except matter how little it is going to get done everyday. Until I get done with my dissertation I'm going to post my favorite sentence from the day's writing here. The caveat: the sentence might not seem all that captivating for readers of this blog since I'll be deleting stuff that identifies me or my dissertation. Yes paranoid-seeming I know but like I said I need the anonymity for the next few years.

So check in, share my progress, and on the days that you don't see a sentence please, please, please yell at me! Unless it's Sunday :-).

Of course I'll be posting other stuff from time to time but first priority is The Dissertation. The subject of these posts will be that day's date. Hmm maybe I'll throw in non-identifying progress updates along with the favorite sentence every now and then (regularly will mean I spend more time blogging that could have gone into a little more writing). No promises on the latter since those require time to draw up a list etc and almost always gets in the way of work in my experience.

Deadline to finish you ask? I have one in mind but I want to wait to re-evaluate it after a few weeks before announcing it in The Blogosphere or Blogistan or whatever other 'nation' sounding label you prefer. I just don't want to cry wolf again and be a bit prudent about this.

So stay tuned for daily updates. There will be one later today but that will likely be from The Project That Is Not The Dissertation (TPTINTD). I'm going to aim for a paragraph in the dissertation but no promises. TPTINTD beckons!

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