Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Behold the power of ZZZ's

Yesterday was a particularly rough day for a multitude of personal reasons. You know the kind of day you have when, despite being generally optimistic, 'tomorrow' seems more like something "they" say to distract you but that really has more fantasy than reality? Well that was Monday for me. And then I actually slept last night - not completely like a baby or straight through but I got more sleep than I have in the past few weeks. And although none of the personal stuff has really gone away I feel like it's been put in some perspective by those oh so blessed zzz's. I've noticed that whenever my brain gets cloudy and I can't quite process stuff, I do feel a lot better once I've slept. By better I mean I have a better handle on confronting challenges head on - plus I get out of loopy moode.

So if you're feeling as overwhelmed as I was yesterday, make sure to get a good night's sleep.

So what's the plan today? I didn't write as much as I had planned to yesterday so I'm going to play catch up. I'd planned to write an entire sub-section of a chapter of my dissertation - all I wrote was a detailed summary outline of the section. So the goal is to finish that sub-section today. And then get a headstart on the subsection I was planning to start working on today. Wish me luck blogosphere!

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