Friday, June 13, 2008

Which of these 2 choices would you make?

Would you rather be doing nothing to keep space open in your life for that perfect 'thing' (whatever it may be - a job, that special someone or even something relatively mundane like the perfect movie or dessert) or would you rather find something/someone in the meantime and see where life takes you?

What would I do? I guess it depends on the 'thing' in question :-). I'd rather not waste calories on an average dessert - and I mean that both literally and metaphorically ;-). But not always I guess :-)!

Your thoughts blog-readers?


Julie said...

Hmmm... your question reminds me of that old Crosby, Stills, and Nash song that goes"If you can't be with the on you love, love the one you're with." (I like the song, but the concept irritates me). I would rather leave space for something fabulous then settle for something less than. That being said - I do think that some things can grow and bloom into something fabulous OR could be a stepping stone to something fabulous. So I guess I just talked myself in a circle and probably did not help at all :)

Bionic-Woman said...

The circle sounds just like something I would have probably drawn myself. Don't know if it helps to know that :-). I do think though that I've stuck around for things that have fabulous-potential so perhaps our guts know what the mind has yet to catch up on?