Saturday, June 28, 2008

Of Resolutions

Over a year ago, I made a resolution to cleanse my life of all relationships that were somehow toxic. An example would be friendships that were more a habit or compulsion than actual connections. Or perhaps relationships that always had me down more than up. I've more or less accomplished that. Okay what I really mean is I have actually accomplished that absent those relationships which according to, "the world", I can't walk away from. I've made my peace that and keep my contact to a bare minimum.

So now it's time for a new resolution that pertains not to my personal life but my professional one.

I've noticed that ever since I was a kid I have a really difficult time completing projects very close to the finish line if they have been part of my daily rhythm for too long. I get restless. I crave change. I want variety. For example, I'd do well in school all year long but I'd lose focus when it came to finals. Another example is my dissertation - I start writing a chapter and it's always the last couple of sections that trip me up. Either I don't finish them or write crappy bullet points to get it over with. I don't know if it's because the perfectionist in me gets intimated - some might say that. I really think it's just as simple as being bored. Although the perfectionism thing isn't completely off base. I work so hard in the beginning and maniacally to the point of exclusion of all else that I lose the fire by the time I near the finish line. So my new resolution is to work through the boredom or not let myself get to that point by curbing the perfectionist in me. Where am I going to try this first? Duh - the dissertation! Stay tuned - I won't promise regular updates but there will definitely be an announcement when I finish :-).

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