Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dissertation Update OR "Three in One Day!"

I seem to be on some kind of blogging overkill today! Tons of thoughts - must share I guess. Or perhaps I'm just overcompensating for something akin to a major disappearance act from the blogopsphere that I will be pulling since I have 2 major deadlines to meet before we get to the long Independence day week-end in the US next week. Also, July is going to be a bitch and not in a fun way.

Despite being hit by fever and the sniffles most of last week, I, in my state of considerable delusion induced by antibiotics, came up with what I think is a kick-ass way to organize and execute the present draft of my methodology chapter. That it started raining just as I typed this sentence might (might) be a sign that I'm progressing in the right direction - or so says the myth that circulates in my Ph.D. program and perhaps even the 'Pakistani' part of my identity. Anyhow, I digress. This epiphany couldn't have come at a better time since I spent a couple of days firmly ensconced in despondency over this chapter. It isn't the first draft by any means or even the second or third. I felt like I should know what to do with it and just simply couldn't tell. But, as I said, it's currently kick-ass. So I better get my butt in gear (hmm what's with all the words having to do with posteriors?) and start working before I can officially kick off the week-end this afternoon.

How's the rest of the blogosphere holding up?

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